Post-doc Guillermo Haussman-Guil (Faculty of Economics and Business Adm.)

Post-doc Guillermo Haussman-Guil (Faculty of Economics and Business Adm.)

Funded project

30 000 €


Collected out of 30 000 €

Times donated

Vilnius University Foundation co-financed a new full-time position of Dr. Guillermo Hausmann-Guil at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University. Guillermo Hausmann-Guil is a doctoral graduate in Economics at the University of Virginia (USA). Vilnius University has already greatly benefitted from the economist’s input in lecturing and scientific fields at the faculty. For this project Vilnius University Foundation allocated 30 000 EUR from return on investment.

Project sponsors

Companies / organizations

  • Vilnius University Foundation (from return on investment)

Natural persons

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