
Head of Legal and Administrative Affairs
Rasa Tirylytė-Zelenina
rasa.tirylyte-zelenina@vuf.lt +370 699 63300

Company registration code: 304222713
Operating account IBAN (Swedbank):
LT61 7300 0101 4641 2805
Contributions to the unrestricted endowment fund:
• Unrestricted endowment fund’s IBAN (Swedbank):
LT61 7300 0101 4641 2795
IBANs for contributions to the restricted endowment sub-funds:
• VU Faculty of Medicine Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT58 7300 0101 7012 7991
• VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT59 7300 0101 7179 1038
• VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT61 7300 0101 7173 2123
• VU Faculty of Law Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT10 7300 0101 7174 1965
• VU Institute of International Relations and Political Science Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT05 7300 0101 7194 6919
• VU Life Sciences Center Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT44 7300 0101 7181 2454
• VU Kaunas Faculty Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT22 7300 0101 8118 5087
• VU Museum Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT62 7300 0101 7889 9823
• VU Museum of Zoology Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT86 7300 0101 7874 8071
• Prof. Algis Petras Piskarskas Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT03 7300 0101 7662 2937
• John & Ida Valauskas Sub-fund (Swedbank):
LT67 7300 0101 7171 5331
• Angelė & Sigitas Kazlauskas Endowment Sub-fund for VU Dentistry (Swedbank):
LT26 7300 0101 8485 2100
• Mantvydas Juozapavičius (1976-2023) Named Endowment Sub-Fund (Swedbank):
LT55 7300 0101 8903 4800
• Arimex Endowment Sub-Fund for VU Community’s Mobility (Swedbank):
LT47 7300 0101 8333 4933
• Rūta Grušnienė Endowment to Support the VU Department of Ancient and Medieval History (Swedbank):
LT93 7300 0101 8669 1275
• Prof. Jonas Kazlauskas (1930-1970) Endowment Sub-fund for VU Philology (Swedbank):
LT55 7300 0101 8484 1975
• Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts’ Sub-fund to Support VU Šiauliai Academy (Swedbank):
LT12 7300 0101 8556 2392
Non-endowment contributions to ongoing projects:
• IBAN for supporting Ukrainian Academic Community (Swedbank):
LT23 7300 0101 7123 1608
• IBAN for preserving unique 17th and 18th century globes (Swedbank):
LT67 7300 0101 5802 1938