Mission & Vision
The Vilnius University Foundation is the first endowment fund in Lithuania operating sustainably and strategically to ensure the long-term financial stability and international competitiveness of Vilnius University.
Donations are invested, and the returns on investments are allocated to Vilnius University and reinvested. The primary priority of the Vilnius University Foundation is the financing of academic talent. As the portfolio and investment returns grow, the foundation aims to:
- Fund the studies and scholarships of the most talented students;
- Support high-quality scientific research;
- Develop study programs that meet global needs;
- Finance internships for the most gifted students and researchers;
- Attract lecturers and researchers with international experience;
- Promote other projects that create significant added value.
The foundation aspires to establish an endowment fund worth one billion euros over time, with the returns on these investments making a substantial contribution to the progress of Vilnius University and elevating the country’s education and science to new heights.
The Beginnings
Vilnius University Foundation was established on April 6, 2016, thus becoming the first university endowment in Lithuania. The Foundation establishing treaty was signed by the first three investors – Rimantas Kraujalis on behalf of JSC “Ekspla”, Professor Algis Petras Piskarskas on behalf of JSC “Light Conversion” and investor Alvydas Žabolis.
A Common Practice Internationally
In countries like the USA and Great Britain university endowments are a common and proven practice – more than 80 USA universities’ endowments have each collected over a billion US dollars. Among them, Harvard University Endowment is the largest, amounting to over 40 billion US dollars (as of 2019). Meanwhile, in Great Britain the Cambridge University Endowment Fund and the Oxford Endowment Fund amount to over 5 billion GBP each.
By establishing the first fund of this kind in Lithuania, the investors set a new standard for the society that understands the importance of investing into the country’s future generations and wants to contribute to strengthening the global competitiveness of one of the oldest and biggest Lithuanian higher education establishments.
Philanthropy at Vilnius University
Vilnius University has always been at the center of attention for Lithuania’s brightest minds appreciating the importance of education. The gallery of Vilnius University Grand Courtyard commemorates University’s founders, patrons and eminent men of science. It reminds of the importance of ideas and work that were conceived and developed here, as Vilnius University, alongside being an education establishment, has always been one of the most prominent sources of the country’s progress.
Frescos at Vilnius University Grand Courtyard
The University’s history is marked by notable figures as it has been a place for realization of ideas and visions not only for scientists, but political and business figures alike. Each sponsor and ideological partner has once made a timely decision – to support the intellectual origins.
Historical patrons Valerijonas Protasevičius, Kazimieras Leonas Sapiega, Jurgis Radvila, Elžbieta Oginskaitė–Puzinienė
Valerijonas Protasevičius, Kazimieras Leonas Sapiega, Jurgis Radvila, Elžbieta Oginskaitė–Puzinienė and many others were not simply individual sponsors, but rather the creators and successors of the prestigious tradition of patronage. Each of them in their own right contributed to the maturity of the Lithuanian intelligentsia, higher education and the society as a whole.
Modern Days Philanthropy
The founders and fellow partners of the Vilnius University Foundation aim again, in the 21st century, to gather the business, science and societal thought leaders that contribute to the future achievements of Lithuania. The Vilnius University Foundation is a continuation of a centuries-long tradition of cooperation between science and business.
Modern times patrons Rimantas Kraujalis, Reda ir Alvydas Žaboliai, Darius Zubas, Danas Tvarijonavičius, Romualdas Danielius
By carrying on the tradition of patronage, the Foundation makes a commitment to act exclusively for the benefit of the University, while Vilnius University, by implementing the Foundation’s select projects, takes advantage of the additional financial opportunities to attract foreign talent, increase the quality of study and research and initiate other added-value activities at Vilnius University.
So me of our sponsorship recipients: Mantas Šimėnas, Thomas Peak, Nethra Dev Milind Dev
Pursuant to the cooperation agreement, Vilnius University has granted the Foundation the permission to use its name, promote the Foundation and ensure proper organization of the Foundation’s activities, while the Foundation is obliged to act exclusively for the benefit of VU. The Vilnius University Foundation is the University’s social partner that is represented in the University’s governing bodies.
Become a Donor!
We invite everyone who views one of the oldest Eastern and Central Europe’s universities as the heart for Lithuania’s brightest minds to join other supporters of this idea and leave their mark for future generations.