Q1 2024 results: return on investment reaches EUR 1 million

2024 04 18

Q1 2024 results: return on investment reaches EUR 1 million

The VU endowment fund announces its investment management results for Q1, 2024. In the first quarter of this year, the value of the endowment capital managed by the VU Foundation (EUR 3.68 million) reached EUR 4.45 million, and the investment management result has exceeded EUR 1 million since January 2019.

"In the first quarter of the year, the appreciation of risky asset classes continued. The appreciation of global equities was the main contributor to the positive return of the VU Foundation’s investment portfolio. Seeing the increasing concentration in the major equity indices, we decided to rebalance the portfolio during the quarter and shift part of the equity allocation to smaller capitalisation companies. In this way, we aim to increase the diversification of our investments and, at the same time, to allocate more capital to companies that have a higher growth potential in the long term", says Alius Jakubėlis, Chairman of the Investment Board.


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Members of the VU Foundation's Investment Board, responsible for professionalism and performance: Alius Jakubėlis (Chairman), Šarūnas BarauskasMindaugas Mažeikis, CFAprof. Konstantinas PileckasPaulius Kunčinas, and Tomas Krakauskas.