Second quarter results: strong growth and changes in the Investment Board

2024 07 18

Second quarter results: strong growth and changes in the Investment Board

The VU endowment fund announces its investment management results for Q2, 2024. In the second quarter of this year, the value of the endowment capital managed by the VU Foundation reached EUR 5.71 million, and the investment management result has exceeded EUR 1.11 million since January 2019.

Professor Konstantinas Pileckas of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of VU, a long-standing member of the VU Foundation's Investment Board, is being replaced by two investment management specialists, Jurgis Rudgalvis and Justas Šaltinis, CFA.

"Joining the philanthropic Vilnius University Foundation gives me the opportunity to have a positive impact on the community, to contribute to the strengthening of education in Lithuania, and to further promote philanthropy. I have been following the investment activities of global endowment funds for a number of years, and as a new member of the investment board, I will share my knowledge and experience to ensure the long-term capital growth of the Foundation", says Justas Šaltinis, CFA, private markets expert, portfolio manager, founder of fintech company Debifo.

"This is a unique opportunity to use my experience both in promoting the growth of the fund and investing, and most importantly, to contribute directly to the strengthening of education and science in Lithuania", says Jurgis Rudgalvis, a private investor and expert in mergers and acquisitions.


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Members of the VU Foundation's Investment Board, responsible for professionalism and performance: Alius Jakubėlis (Chairman), Šarūnas Barauskas, Mindaugas Mažeikis, CFA, Paulius Kunčinas, Jurgis Rudgalvis, Tomas Krakauskas, Justas Šaltinis, CFA.