Preserving unique 17th and 18th century globes (VU Library)

Preserving unique 17th and 18th century globes (VU Library)

11 546 €


Collected out of 55 000 €

Times donated

Your amount

Vilnius University owns four globes from the old observatory. These are unique relics of the European science history that have survived difficult historical periods right up to our times. The 17-18th century globes require attentive care of specialists – they need to be restored and protected from harmful effects by special casings.

The oldest pair of terrestrial and celestial globes was made in 1622 in the cartography workshop of one of the most famous Dutch masters of cartography and publishers of the 17th century Europe Willem Janszoon Blaeu. These globes are extremely valued for their skillfully made colored copper engravings and the fact that they were being constantly renewed based on the most recent discoveries of the time.

The other two paired globes were made in 1750 by Johann Friedrich Endersch, cartographer, mechanic and royal mathematician of German origin, who dedicated the globes to the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Augustus III. These globes represent a very special period and are extremely rare, as J. F. Endersch produced only a few of them.

This unique heritage of history of science and culture is important not only to Lithuania, but also to the whole Europe. It reflects our country’s scientific and international relations, as well as the tradition of patronage. In order to continue this tradition, the Vilnius University library together with the Vilnius University Foundation initiated the collection of needed funding (EUR 55 000). Vilnius University has allocated a part (7 thousand Eur) of the required funding for restoring the globes, but we need help in achieving our goal of preserving this historical heritage for future generations.

We invite any potential sponsors and patrons who are concerned about the preservation of heritage to support this goal.


Contact person:

Jonė Šulcaitė-Brollo, Head of Communication & Information Office at Vilnius University Library,
+370 5 268 7133,

Project sponsors

Companies / organizations

  • Rymantas Juozaitis (Vilniaus Rotary klubas)

Natural persons

  • Gintė Medzvieckaitė
  • Supported anonymously
  • Paskyrę GPM dalį už 2020–2022 m.
  • Amadeusz Pfeifer
  • Gintarė Vaicekauskaitė
  • Paulina Sukurė
  • Kamilė Čelutkaitė
  • Ieva Griniūtė-Tumelienė
  • Česlav Okinčic
  • Ramutė Baubinienė
  • Nikita Ščiupakov
  • Kristupas Tikuišis
  • Vilma Raslanaitė
  • Kristina Stungurienė
  • Kristina Banytė
  • Karolis Tumelis
  • Ilona Urbanavičienė
  • Valdas Urbanavičius
  • Judita Puišo
  • Justinas Noreika
  • Violeta Makauskienė
  • Appointed ITP part for 2018
  • Žydrūnas Mikulskis
  • Lina Mikulskienė
  • Rasa Kizlaitienė
  • Ana Zlotkovska
  • Vygintas Pšibilskis
  • Marija Prokopčik
  • Simona Samienė
  • Lidija Šabajevaitė
  • Gytis Juška
  • Birutė Miškinienė
  • Petras Henrikas Vaitkevičius
  • Nikita Ananjevas
  • Asta Baškauskaitė
  • Algis Piskarskas
  • Algirdas Petras Stabinis
  • Laimutė Bulotaitė
  • Marius Umbražiūnas
  • Ignas Petrauskas
  • Eglė Bagušinskaitė
  • Igor Tikk
  • Jelena Tamulienė
  • Ramunė Savickaitė - Meškėlienė
  • Rimantas Jankauskas
  • Sigitas Chmieliauskas
  • Ieva Kristinaitytė
  • Ramunė Savickaitė-Meškėlienė