Angelė & Sigitas Kazlauskas Endowment Sub-fund for VU Dentistry
2 838 821 €
out of 4 200 000 €
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Mantvydas Juozapavičius (1976-2023) Named Endowment Sub-Fund
1 000 116 €
Prof. Algis Petras Piskarskas (1942-2022) Endowment Sub-fund for Laser Science
600 093 €
Rūta Grušnienė Endowment to Support the VU Department of Ancient and Medieval History
200 005 €
Prof. Jonas Kazlauskas (1930-1970) Endowment Sub-fund for VU Philology
142 174 €
Arimex Endowment Sub-Fund for VU Community's Mobility
100 005 €
Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts' Sub-fund to Support VU Šiauliai Academy
62 110 €
out of 100 000 €
John & Ida Valauskas Endowment Sub-fund for Medical Students
45 005 €