Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts’ Sub-fund to Support VU Šiauliai Academy

Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts’ Sub-fund to Support VU Šiauliai Academy

62 110 €


Collected out of 100 000 €

Times donated

Your amount

In 2024, the Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Crafts (ŠCCIC), with the support of business representatives who are committed to education in the city and region of Šiauliai, aims to establish a named endowment sub-fund worth 100,000 euros. The return on investment from this sub-fund will be used to support Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy and related initiatives.

The Chamber has already allocated 50,000 euros for this purpose. ŠCCIC invites the public to continue growing the sub-fund and contribute to the advancement of education and science in the city of Šiauliai. The return on investments is planned to be used to establish scholarships, awards, and other incentives for students, lecturers, and researchers at VU Šiauliai Academy.

“This investment will not only strengthen higher education in the Šiauliai region but will also contribute to the growth of our community, enhance international competitiveness, and help create a stronger, more innovative educational environment in our region. It is a great opportunity to showcase the leadership and commitment of our region’s businesses to promoting educational progress,” said ŠCCIC Council President Vytis Lembutis.


VU Šiauliai Academy

As part of the government’s university network reform, on January 1, 2021, Šiauliai University became part of Vilnius University, now known as VU Šiauliai Academy. It functions as one of the three main teacher training centers in Lithuania and offers study programs relevant to the region. VU Šiauliai Academy is a higher education institution in Northern Lithuania, operating in various institutional forms for over 70 years.

Currently, VU Šiauliai Academy offers more than 20 full-time and part-time study programs in fields such as ecology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, social sciences, health sciences, education, humanities, business, and public management. The academy provides bachelor’s (first-cycle), master’s (second-cycle), and doctoral (third-cycle, in four fields) programs, as well as continuing education, informal public education programs, supplementary studies, and programs for college graduates who wish to pursue master’s studies.

The academy is home to two institutes where all research conducted by its scholars and all study programs are developed: the Institute of Educational Sciences, the Institute of Regional Development, and the Lifelong Learning Center. VU Šiauliai Academy also features a modern Information Center under the Vilnius University Library, a Botanical Garden, and houses Lithuania’s first STEAM Center.


Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts

Established in 1992, the Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Crafts (ŠCCIC) is the strongest associated business organization in the Šiauliai region. For over 30 years, it has brought together both young and established businesses for active collaboration, representing and defending business interests in the region and throughout Lithuania. By leveraging modern management, technology, and human competencies, ŠPPAR is one of the most advanced, strongest, and leading business communities in Northern Lithuania.

Representing its members, ŠCCIC helps regional economic entities expand international economic relations with foreign partners, increase exports, and improve the entry of Lithuanian goods into foreign markets, as well as attract direct foreign investment. ŠCCIC places significant focus on creating a business-friendly environment in the region, promoting entrepreneurship, and strengthening social dialogue.


You can also donate via a bank transfer:

IBAN → LT12 7300 0101 8556 2392 (Swedbank)
Payment purpose → Donation to ŠCCIC Sub-fund
Recipient → Paramos fondas Vilniaus universiteto fondas (company code 304222713)

For contribution contracts over 100 thousand euros notarization is required. Vilnius University Foundation will take care of it. Contact us in a convenient way.

Subfund sponsors

Juridiniai rėmėjai

  • UAB „Ausnė“ (Auraplus)
  • UAB „Solidus Vox“
  • UAB „Baltic AgroPro“
  • UAB „Affidea Lietuva“
  • UAB „Cherry Servers“
  • Šiaulių prekybos, pramonės ir amatų rūmai

Fiziniai rėmėjai

  • Regina Karvelienė
  • Gintaras Dapkus
  • Aušra Kazlauskienė
  • Renata Macaitienė
  • Monika Sereniene
  • Andrius Mikšys
  • Jolanta Norvaišienė
  • Supported anonymously
  • Vytis L
  • Stanislovad
  • Povilas Kairaitis
  • Kristina Matuzevičiūtė
  • Evandzelina Petukiene
  • Martynas Bujauskas
  • Lina Garšvienė
  • Jolanta Aleknavičiūtė
  • Diana Cibulskienė