Fixed-income investments as a priority for Q3, 2023

2023 10 19

Fixed-income investments as a priority for Q3, 2023

The VU endowment fund announces its investment management results for Q3, 2023. According to the Investment Board, the Foundation earned a positive return and maintained its long-term investment strategy, did not make any major tactical changes, but prioritised fixed-income investments in the context of the economic and market situation.

"The rally in stock markets fizzled out in the third quarter. It has been noted that the first half of the year‘s growth was largely driven by the „magic seven“ large-cap technology companies, while the prices of the other 493 companies in the S&P 500 index were largely flat. Indications that economic growth will slow down in Europe and China in the near future have increased. The US economy is likely to remain in growth", noted in the commentary by the Investment Board.


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Members of the VU Foundation's Investment Board, responsible for professionalism and performance: Alius Jakubėlis (Chairman), Šarūnas BarauskasMindaugas Mažeikis, CFAprof. Konstantinas PileckasPaulius Kunčinas, and Tomas Krakauskas.


Read more about VU Foundation Investment strategy.